
Steel connection design

We design connections with the fabricators and erectors in mind and we work closely with all stakeholders to ensure an economical, safe and code-compliant connection.

We produce structural steel connection calculation that is clear and well organized so that everyone involved in a project is able to understand and follow.


Our Team

Our engineers have extensive knowledge of steel connection designing and offer quality connection design services.

DACO Engineering strives to be a leader in connection design by providing the economical and quick turnaround solution to connection design.


Structural Services

    Shop drawing

    Structural Steel Modelling

    Single part drawing

    Assembly Drawings

    Steel connection drawings

    Structural steel Estimating

    Sheet Metal Drawings

    Component Part Design

Why Customers chose us

    High-Quality Results

    Best Project Quality Management

    One-Stop Solution


    Technical Agility

    Universal Perspectives

    Multi-Disciplinary Skillsets

    Robust Solutions

    Productivity Improvement